Thursday, March 24, 2011

I have made progess

I promise I'm still progressing toward my goals, but our computer at home decided to catch on fire, so I haven't been able to post much. Hopefully, it will be replaced soon. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

February Check In

Yes, I know it is March 7. February was a crazy month!!

The joy of LOVE fizzled. I would like to complete it, but it is obviously going to take some time. I still have the emails from the days I didn't do.

The good news is that, even though I've been slack on blogging, I haven't been slack on reaching my goals. I am not doing well with the budgeting. We really need to get on track. But we are saving and paying down our home equity line at a higher rate than before, so it's not all bad. Plus, we have two kids in day care, so I have to cut myself a little slack.

I have one more photography class left. I haven't learned as much as I had hoped to, but it was a decent investment of time. I definitely still have a lot to learn.

I have this fairly-cute picture of the kids from February. I have more on my camera still. I'll try to upload and organize some tonight.

I tried to get a picture of them together decked out in red/pink for Valentine's Day, but they were not cooperating that day.

Our garden is still on, but with some changes. As I suspected after doing further research, my seedlings didn't make it. We don't have enough natural light to start plants from seed. They were doing okay actually until one particularly sunny day I decided to move the seedlings outside. They died that day, probably because it was a little windy. We bought the lumber last night to build our raised beds, and my goal is to have them set up by the end of next weekend.

We have made great strides toward cleaning/organizing the garage and bonus room. My ILs are coming at the end of this month, and I hope that the bonus room is done (except for the closet) by then. The garage probably won't be touched any more this month.

We haven't started building E's bookshelf yet. I'm still working on the gallery ledges for the kitchen. I just bought a corded sander (we did have a battery-operated one that was a pain) last night, so hopefully that will help. The hardest part of that whole project will be sanding the boards. I hope to start her bookshelves by her birthday in June, so we have time.

I haven't started running yet, but I have been walking on a regular basis. I'm going to start running once I'm finished nursing (June-ish).

So...I'm still here and still making progress even though I have been pretty silent.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Budget buster

I'm really blowing goal #3. So far this week, I have purchased a new pair of pewter shoes, some expensive hair products and a dress.

What the heck? I don't wear pewter shoes! I wear black work shoes, brown work shoes and tennis shoes. I don't wear dresses. I have three hanging in my closet still with the tags on. I haven't worn a dress in at least a year and a half.

I do wash my hair though, so we're good on that.

I need to slow down a bit. I am a binge-spender. It's time to end that binge. I can treat myself, but I need to recognize when I'm being irresponsible and nip it in the bud.

And if the shoes or dress don't fit, I need to send them back!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

willette's joy of love: day 8

Read about the joy of LOVE here.

So I got a day ahead, and then I fell a day behind. I will probably catch up over the weekend. Things are hectic here.

Day 8 assignment: gift from the heart

After my husband asked my mom for her permission to ask me to marry him, she gave him her engagement and wedding rings. My dad had passed away 8 years prior, and my mom had long stopped wearing her rings (not to mention the fact that she was remarried). He knew that having the rings meant a lot to me, but that I didn't want them as my engagement/wedding rings because I would always look at them and see my mom's hands. That's not a terrible thing, it's just not me.

We talked about having the diamonds reset into a different design, but that wasn't possible. Some of the diamonds have been in my family for generations. They are in bad shape. The center diamond had a huge crack in it, and our jeweler said that he expected it to fall apart if we took it out of the setting.

So he took the setting as-is (as-was?), had it mounted on a pendant and bought a chain to go with it. I wear it almost every day to remember the two most important men in my life. I don't have a lot of material things to remember my dad by. That's okay because I'm not a material person. This is one of the few material possessions that I have that has significant sentimental value to me.

I love it, and I love him for giving it to me.

Edited to add: the more I look at this picture, the more I hate it. The color is all wrong. My hand is not orange, I promise. I think it would be cool in black and white, but I don't have a photo editing program that can convert it. I wonder if the weird coloring is because I used spot metering. I'll have to look that up.

Edited again: okay, I "fixed" the orange hand.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

willette's joy of love: day 7

Read about the joy of LOVE here.

Yes, I am doing this a day early. Mostly because I already have the picture I want to use (yes, I am cheating again) and I figure this is more fun than attending to the laundry.

Day 7 assignment: generations

My husband doesn't have any other family nearby except for the the kids and me, but I took this one of him, his father and B in December.

I feel like I am learning a lot about photography. I don't know if that shows in the pictures that I take, but I am learning. I feel good about my progress.

willette's joy of love: day 6

Read about the joy of LOVE here.

Day 6 assignment: the ones they love (this one is a twofer, mainly because both kids weren't awake at the same time much today...actually I cheated and the picture of E is from yesterday).

It was a pretty slow weekend around here. In a good way. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

willette's joy of love: day 5

Read about the joy of LOVE here.

Day 5 assignment: what you love to hate

I am a really slow eater. Growing up I was often harassed by my brother and sister because they weren't allowed to get up from the dinner table until we were all finished eating. Since I was always the last one eating, they used to try to get me to finish by all means necessary. I never met anyone who eats slower than I do...until I met my husband. Now I know the pain that my siblings felt growing up. His slow eating is especially annoying these days because we have an antsy three-year-old who isn't very good at waiting patiently for his father to finish eating.